Is Sober Living in Santa Rosa Right for You?

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Making the decision to enter treatment for a substance use disorder is a significant step that can transform your life. However, many people aren’t sure what to do when treatment ends. Do they return home to their same environment? Or do they pursue sober housing? Sober housing allows individuals in recovery to live independently while having access to treatment resources and a stable living environment. However, it’s important to determine whether sober housing is the right fit for you.

Let’s learn more about sober housing and how it can enhance your recovery from substance use.

Understanding Sober Housing

Sober housing, also known as sober living homes or sober living environments, are group homes for people in recovery. These residences are intended to provide a supportive, structured environment where people can live while transitioning from an intensive treatment program back into mainstream society. Sober housing is an excellent choice for those who are not yet ready to live independently but have completed a rehabilitation program.

What are the Key Features of a Sober Living Home?

Many sober living homes are located in quiet suburban neighborhoods with access to coffee shops, restaurants, gyms and other healthy activities. The primary rule in these houses is to remain abstinent from drugs and alcohol. This policy allows sober homes to remain safe, sober and supportive. Additional features found in sober housing are:

  • Community support where residents support one another, providing mutual encouragement and accountability.
  • Freedom to make your own decisions while following a set of rules, such as curfews, mandatory group meetings and assigned chores.
  • Transition to everyday life, bridging the gap between an inpatient facility and the real world.
  • Ability to stay as long as you’d like, as long as you are following the rules.
  • Typically less expensive than inpatient facilities and other residential treatment options, with the costs going toward rent/mortgage, utilities and other shared resources.

Exploring the Benefits of Sober Living

There are many benefits to choosing sober housing to support your recovery. First, the structured environment helps prevent relapse by providing stability and routine. This is crucial in early recovery when you are learning how to spend your time. Too much time on your hands can lead to boredom and dissatisfaction, while too little time can cause burnout or stress.

Living with others who are facing similar challenges can also reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation. When you’re with others who are going through similar challenges, you can bond and feel less alone. Plus, the other residents will hold you accountable for maintaining sobriety, which can help you stay on track with your goals.

Lastly, sober living homes can help strengthen your recovery by teaching you essential life skills, providing resources and programs and assisting with finding a job, building healthy relationships and managing your finances. The goal is to help you move onto the real world—NOT hold you back.

Who Should Consider Sober Housing?

Transitoning to a sober living home is optional. However, you’ve already put in the work to get yourself sober, so it’s important to align yourself with the best chances for success. Sober living can be highly beneficial to those who:

Are struggling to maintain sobriety

If you’re having trouble staying sober, or you have a history of relapse, a sober house can make a difference in your recovery. This environment offers a safe and supportive setting to strengthen your recovery and continue developing new skills and ways of coping.

Lack a stable living environment

Not everyone has a stable home environment to return to. If there is substance use in your home, or your home is not conducive to your recovery, sober housing is an excellent alternative. Not only will you be living in a substance-free environment, but also you’ll have direct access to group meetings and other resources.

Need more time to transition

Not everyone is ready to transition to everyday living after rehab, and this is okay. In fact, being honest about where you are in your journey can help you avoid relapse. If you need more time to heal, develop new skills and learn new ways to cope, living in a sober house will give you this space.

Need time to become independent

Some people also need more time to become independent. If you have been using substances for a long time, you may lack essential skills, such as managing finances, cooking meals and doing household chores. Sober housing requires you to pitch in and follow rules, setting the stage for a successful transition.

Learn More About Sober Housing in Santa Rosa, CA

Pura Vida is pleased to offer sober living homes for men and women. Our homes are structured and include weekly drug tests, daily alcohol tests, curfews, house meetings and more. This is intended to keep you on the right track. Of course, there’s plenty of time for FUN. Residents get to attend social events and even spend time on the boat in the summer. To learn more about our sober living homes and how they can support your recovery, contact Pura Vida today.